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IBRNet: Learning Multi-view Image-Based Rendering (CVPR 2021) 오늘은 어김없이 notion에서 긁어 온 IBRNet 이라는 페이퍼 리뷰를 올려보려고 합니다. https://ibrnet.github.io/ IBRNet: Learning Multi-View Image-Based Rendering We present a method that synthesizes novel views of complex scenes by interpolating a sparse set of nearby views. The core of our method is a network architecture that includes a multilayer perceptron and a ray transformer that estimates radiance and volum ibrnet.githu..
Unsupervised Learning of Probably Symmetric Deformable 3D Objects from Images in the Wild (CVPR 2020 Best Paper) Introductionsymmetric clue를 이용해서 single raw image 인풋으로 (supervision 없이) deformable 3D object recon 하는 논문. 우선은 input image를 depth / albedo / viewpoint / illumination 으로 decompose 하는 autoencoder를 기반으로 하는 end-to-end learning 구조."대부분의 객체들은 이론적으로라도 symmetry 구조를 가진다"를 전제로 풀어냄illumination을 reasoning cue로 사용, appearance 가 shading 등에 의해 완벽한 symmetry 가 아닌 경우에 대해서도 underlying symmetry를 찾을 수 있도록 했다는데 정확히 어떻..
Multi-view Relighting using a Geometry-Aware Network Coarse(Apporximated) Geometry 기반 Multi-view Relighting. Main novelty shadow refinement subnetwork illumination buffers. Contribution MVS Geometry proxy를 기반으로 한 end-to-end outdoor relighting network. (novel RGB Shadow imge based) learning based shadow refinement solution to remove and resynthesize shadows. "A Training procedure that uses realistic synthetic scenes to flexibly generate multiple li..
Unsupervised Learning for Intrinsic Image Decomposition from a Single Image (CVPR 2020) Abstract 기존 Intrinsic decomposition - supervised learning으로 진행되었던 것들의 문제점 : gt를 구하기 어렵거나 아예 불가능함. 기존에도 여러 prior들을 이용해 이런 문제를 해결하려는 시도가 있지만, performance limitation이 있거나 hand-crafted 였음. Instead, it directly learns the latent feature of reflectance and shading from unsupervised and uncorrelated data un-labellded, un-correlated data의 reflectance and shading에서 directly latent feature를 배우려면, 일단 refle..
